aboutus | Hust Media vũ trụ truyền thông Universe
A detailed description of the project

The project was established with the purpose of creating an e-commerce website. Because of the technical difficulty the project has split into several steps to develop . On the browser you can access the web to use the full features on the android and iphone apps you can download from the app store with limited functionality because of technical limitations. The android app is distributed by us as a platform to help users buy and sell digital products. On ios we will provide bio link creation feature to help people easily share useful information with friends.

Who We Are:

We are group of students from hust university. With a passion for digital, we make a marketing communication product to make a profit and continue with our passion.

Why did Hust Media start a media marketing service??

Hust media has tried many ways of marketing communication. For example: running ads, posting, editing videos, making movies, calling for support from acquaintances, etc... but in general, without the support of interactions, the effect will not be good. so I created a community for people to help each other get followed

Why Hust Media works as an e-commerce site

With market research experience in my country is Vietnam. I realized that if there really was a commercially integrated application platform, it would be more user-friendly than just the available features. So the integration aims to make the project more attractive.

Customer information policy

- Hust Media secures all user input information such as: phone number, email, ip, uid and seeding content
- Information on the history of accessing pages on the app is collected by google adsend and google admob. You can visit their official page for more informationt

Privacy Policy

- All user information is secure end-to-end encryption.
- We do not sell your information to third parties.

- To have coins, users can donate to receive the amount of coins equivalent to the donated value. - The form of donation to get coins is completely voluntary. - When donating users will receive coins and this amount of coins cannot be converted back.
REGULATIONS SEEDING - Users can use donated coins to exchange seeding services available on the web. - Each service has different regulations, you can see details in the channel information of each service before using. - Regulated seeding channels and modes of operation may change over time.
FOR THE DONATES PARTY - Not seeding the content that violates the law of Vietnam will have to take full responsibility before the law. - You can report services when using exchange coins but do not achieve the desired effect in the support section.
FOR DONATE DONATE RECEIVERS - We are responsible for completing the requested seeding content. - Receive and handle errors reported by users. - Refusing to support uids with seeding content that violates and does not follow instructions.

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